iMA for Schools

In every classroom in every school throughout the country there are four different learning styles:

High Red: Big Picture, Fast and Deliberate, Sticking to the Agenda, and Task Orientated.

High Green: Small Picture, Slow and Methodical, Sticking to the Agenda and Task Orientated.

High Yellow: Big Picture, Fast and Spontaneous, Going with the Flow and Relationship Orientated.

High Blue: Small Picture, Slow and Relaxed, Going with the Flow and Relationship Orientated.


And yet although there are four distinct learning styles there is only ever one teaching style in operation at any one time.

Adopting iMA and imbedding it throughout the entire school ecosystem will allow everyone to become aware of how other people communicate, how they learn and how they teach. Allowances can then be made to ensure that everyone achieves a successful set of outcomes removing the traditional misunderstandings and miscommunications.

iMA Training for schools (in 5 parts)

1.) Train the Senior Leadership Team
2.) Train the entire Teaching Team
3.) Train the non-teaching team
4.) Train the students
5.) Train the parents and carers.


What Colour Are You? Answer the appropriate iMA Questionnaire

iMA Training

To know how to use iMA in schools set-up an iMA training course with Ashley Boroda. Two half day sessions for up to 24 people which take place six weeks apart. For more information and dates email

Get in touch