iMA Super Deep-Dive

At the conclusion of this final session the team will be well versed and immersed in iMA, understanding a comprehensive range of applications for themselves but especially for their teams and their customers/clients.

An additional add-on half day iMA training session looking closely at how to best utilise individual skill sets within a team making the workplace; happier, way more productive and less stressful. The deep dive is training the team on “iMA Health Checking “which is firstly examining each and everyone’s on-going and current role to ensure it is a perfect fit. If this is achieved in all cases, your team will be firing on all cylinders. A further deep-dive into every team members “iMA Sweet Spot”, lending a laser focus to their exceptional talents and capabilities, illuminating that everyone will excel at jobs that they like doing and like the jobs that they are best at doing.

Duration – 3.5 hours